One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Choose Cedarville for College Credit Plus

Join the thousands of high school students just like you who have participated in Dual Enrollment at Cedarville through Ohio's College Credit Plus (CCP) program. Earn free dual credit through our online, on-campus, and summer residential courses.

What is CCP?

College Credit Plus is a funding program run by the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) that promotes rigorous academic pursuits and enhances students' college and career readiness. Qualified Ohio students in grades 7-12 can take college courses for free, earning both high school and college credit when courses are successfully completed.

To learn more, watch helpful CCP explanation videos, view this CCP overview, or watch a webinar hosted by Cedarville about homeschooling with CCP.

Female high school student sitting at table typing on computer

Get Started With CCP!

1) Determine if You're Eligible for CCP

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be an Ohio resident
  • Be enrolled in grades 7-12 in any Ohio public, private, or homeschool
  • Demonstrate college readiness through one of the following:
    • Have a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of at least 3.0
    • Have a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of at least 2.75 and have received an "A" or "B" grade in a relevant course
    • Obtain an eligible test score on a CCP-approved assessment exam

2) Apply and Get Accepted to Cedarville

Follow the Dual Enrollment admissions process to apply to Cedarville. Applications are accepted year-round.

New students: If you need a letter of acceptance from Cedarville to complete your CCP funding application, please submit all application materials by March 15.
Returning students: If you have taken a Cedarville course, you don't need to reapply to Cedarville. Expect to receive a letter of good standing by mid-February; contact CCP at Cedarville if you can't locate the letter.

3) Complete the Mature Content Permission Form

CCP requires that families be made aware of the potential for mature or adult content in some college classrooms. To use CCP funding, both parent and student must complete the CCP Mature Content Permission Form, which is emailed when your application is submitted.

The following statement regarding course content is posted as a requirement of Ohio HB 110 and ORC 3365.035:
The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the College Credit Plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon College Credit Plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.

At Cedarville, all courses will meet University expectations for academic quality and mission alignment and will be taught by professors in full agreement with the University's doctrinal statement and community covenant.

4) Apply Annually for CCP Funding

Apply for CCP funding each year before applications close on April 1st at 5 p.m. EST. Note that Cedarville's IRN (information retrieval number) is 063636.

Public school students: Contact your guidance counselor and submit your Intent to Participate form by April 1 each year.
Private school students: Let your guidance counselor know that you plan to enroll in CCP courses at Cedarville, and apply for CCP funding using an OH|ID account. New students will upload their letter of acceptance to this account, while returning students will upload their letter of good standing. Lastly, provide a PDF copy of the CCP award notification to your high school and to your Cedarville advisor.
Homeschool students: Apply for CCP funding using an OH|ID account. New students will upload their letter of acceptance to this account, while returning students will upload their letter of good standing. Lastly, provide a PDF copy of the CCP award notification to your Cedarville advisor. Learn more by watching these helpful webinars about homeschooling with CCP.

Contact with questions about applying for funding.

5) Complete Orientation and Advising

Once you've been accepted to Cedarville, you will receive an email from your Dual Enrollment advisor with instructions for accessing these tasks, which you'll complete before registering for courses:

  • View the College Credit Plus orientation
  • Meet with your high school counselor
  • Meet with your Dual Enrollment advisor
  • Review The Cedarville Experience student handbook

6) Choose and Register for Courses

You're now ready to explore course options! In order to register for courses, you'll need to contact your advisor before the registration deadline.

Funding Your Student's Courses

You have three payment options as outlined by the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Please note that CCP will not partially fund a course, nor will it fund a course that is not CCP eligible*. Cedarville's online course list details which courses are eligible for CCP funding.

CCP Option A

You pay for tuition, books, and fees. The course counts as a CCP course and is added to both your high school and college transcripts.

CCP Option B

CCP pays your tuition, Cedarville waives course fees, and your high school provides books. The course counts as a CCP course and is added to both your high school and college transcripts.

Family Pay Option

You pay for tuition, books, and fees. The course does not count as a CCP course and is only added to your college transcript.

*You can take courses that are not CCP eligible through the Family Pay Option. Ask your high school counselor if the courses can be added to your high school transcript.

For more information, visit:

Dual Enrollment Costs

I Have Questions!

CCP Funding

How much funding should I request?

Funds are limited, so please only request the number of credit hours that you plan to use.

How much CCP funding can I use?

The Ohio Department of Education or your high school counselor will let you know how many credits you have been awarded each year. In general, CCP students are allowed:

  • An annual maximum of 30 credit hours
  • A lifetime maximum of 120 credit hours
  • A maximum of 4 years of high school eligibility beginning in 9th grade (eligibility ends after the spring semester of your senior year)
How much funding should I expect to receive?

Ohio public school courses are subtracted from the 30 credit limit. For private school and homeschool students, awarded credits vary annually.

CCP Funding Application Deadline

Can I apply for funding after the April 1 deadline?

Public school students may appeal to their principal for late submission of the Intent to Participate form. CCP does not accept private school or homeschool funding applications after April 1 at 5 p.m.

I already have funding. Can I apply to Cedarville after the April 1 deadline?

Yes! Just upload a copy of your funding award letter to the OH|ID portal and send a copy to your Cedarville advisor.

Can I still take courses if I missed the April 1 funding application deadline?

Yes! Cedarville accepts Dual Enrollment students year round, but courses will be taken outside of the CCP program and funded through the Family Pay Option.

Academic Performance

What happens if I earn poor grades?

School counselors and homeschool parents are responsible for determining if an underperforming student is eligible to enroll in CCP courses. Students on CCP probation or dismissal will be required by their high school to withdraw from courses or to self-pay, either through CCP Option A or the Family Pay Option. See CCP's underperforming student rule. Students also need to meet Cedarville's academic progress guidelines.

Can I drop a course?

CCP students have 2 calendar weeks after the start of the semester to drop a course and receive a 100% tuition refund and no record of the course on their transcript. After that, students follow the drop/add schedule. Withdrawn (W) grades typically do not affect a student's college GPA.

CCP Live Q&A

Have More Questions? We're Here to Help!

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